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Perfume and Incense Industry in the United Arab Emirates

Glam and Elegant Team


The United Arab Emirates is a major hub for the perfume and incense industry in the Gulf region, distinguished by its rich history and deeply rooted traditions in local culture. Perfumes and incense play a significant role in daily life and special occasions, reflecting the importance of this industry in Emirati heritage.

Historical Origins

Perfumes in Emirati Heritage

The roots of the perfume industry in the UAE date back thousands of years, with perfumes being used in religious rituals and social events. Over generations, perfumes have become an integral part of Emirati cultural heritage, symbolizing elegance and hospitality.

Incense in Local Culture

Incense, made from natural ingredients like oud, musk, and amber, is an essential aspect of Emirati life. It has been and continues to be used to fragrance homes, mosques, and gatherings, embodying the essence of authenticity and generosity in Emirati culture.

Manufacturing Techniques


The perfume industry in the UAE relies on a blend of traditional methods and modern techniques. Natural ingredients such as flowers, woods, and spices are used, and aromatic oils are extracted using advanced methods to ensure the highest quality. Emirati brands are renowned for their ability to combine traditional scents with modern innovations to produce distinctive perfumes that compete globally.


Incense is made from natural ingredients mixed with aromatic oils and left to ferment for a long period to develop its strong, lasting scent. The process of making incense is considered an art form, requiring special skills and deep knowledge of the ingredients and techniques used.

Statistics on the Perfume Industry in the UAE

The perfume industry in the UAE is thriving and recording continuous growth. According to statistics, the UAE holds a prominent position in the global perfume market, with the industry\'s value estimated at around $1.5 billion annually. The UAE contributes approximately 20% of the total perfume exports in the Gulf region, reinforcing its status as one of the largest producers and exporters of perfumes in the world.

Cultural Significance

In Daily Life

Perfumes and incense are widely used in the daily lives of Emiratis. Incense is used to fragrance homes and welcome guests, reflecting hospitality and authenticity. Perfumes are used to scent clothes and hair, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.

In Special Occasions

Perfumes and incense are essential preparations for special occasions such as weddings and religious events. They are used to enhance the festive atmosphere and add a touch of luxury and joy, making them a crucial element of these celebrations.

Local Industry

Emirati Brands

In recent years, there has been significant growth in the number of Emirati brands specializing in the perfume and incense industry. These companies combine tradition and modernity, using the best ingredients and the latest techniques to produce high-quality products. Prominent brands include \"Abdul Samad Al Qurashi,\" \"Amouage,\" and \"Arabian Oud,\" all of which have gained widespread fame both locally and internationally.

Innovation and Development

Combining Tradition and Modernity

Emirati companies are working to blend rich heritage with modern innovations to produce perfumes and incense that meet diverse customer needs. This includes using new ingredients, designing luxurious perfume bottles, and offering customized products that reflect personal taste.


The perfume and incense industry in the United Arab Emirates is an integral part of the country’s cultural and historical heritage. Glam and Elegant Events is committed to actively involving perfume traders and manufacturers in its continuous and innovative exhibitions.

Glam and Elegant Events Team