Glam and Elegant Main Logo


  • What are your services in the field of organizing exhibitions?

    We offer comprehensive services for organizing exhibitions, starting from planning and design to execution and marketing, including event management and infrastructure organization.

  • Do you provide specialized planning and organizing services for exhibitions?

    Yes, we provide specialized exhibition planning services tailored to the needs and requirements of each client. Our exhibitions cover a variety of specialties, including multi-specialty general exhibitions and single-specialty exhibitions.

  • What are the specialties of the exhibitions you organize?

    The specialties of the exhibitions and economic sectors we cover include: traditional and modern clothing and fashion, perfumes and cosmetics, bags and leather goods, handicrafts, gifts, children's toys, chocolates and hospitality, home and garden supplies, food and health, jewelry, and more.

  • Do you offer marketing services for exhibitions?

    Yes, we provide specialized marketing services to increase awareness of exhibitions and attract the target audience.

  • What are your methods for attracting the audience to the exhibition?

    We use a variety of marketing methods, including online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and strategic partnerships, to attract the target audience. Additionally, our team of media professionals, influencers, and bloggers helps cover and market the exhibitions.

  • Do you provide design and construction services for exhibition stands?

    Yes, we offer custom design and construction services for exhibition stands to meet the needs of our clients and make their participation in exhibitions prominent and effective.

  • Can I book or apply for sponsorship for the exhibition through the website?

    Companies, merchants, and sponsors can book at any of the available exhibitions through the website. To book a stand or apply for sponsorship, click on the "Details" button for any available exhibition on the upcoming exhibitions page. Alternatively, contact us directly for assistance.

  • When should I confirm the booking to participate in the exhibition?

    The booking should be confirmed at least 15 days before the exhibition date.

  • How is the payment made to secure the booking at the exhibition?

    The payment is made through a bank transfer to the company's account, and the payment confirmation is done by attaching the transfer notice through the website.

  • What are the contents of the stand and what services do you provide to the exhibitor?

    Each stand includes a table and chairs, mirrors and hangers or shelves for displaying products, mirrors, a power point, and lighting. Additionally, free Wi-Fi and free parking are available at the exhibition for exhibitors.

  • How many stands can I book at one exhibition?

    Traders can book any available number of stands, provided that the booking is not less than half a stand.

  • Can I be a sponsor of the exhibition without participating in it?

    Yes, companies, merchants, and traders can apply for exhibition sponsorship through the company's website even if they are not participating in the exhibition.

  • What are the types of sponsorship in your exhibitions?

    There are Gold Sponsorship (one sponsor per exhibition), Silver Sponsorship (one sponsor per exhibition), and Regular Sponsorship (multiple sponsors per exhibition).

  • What is the difference between types of sponsorship in any exhibition?

    The advertising and marketing services provided to exhibition sponsors vary depending on the type of sponsorship. This includes the number of designs, prints, and paid advertisements on social media platforms and influencer and blogger endorsements. Details of each type of sponsorship can be found on the company's website at the following link: [Link].