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Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions

Terms and Conditions

- Glam & Elegant is committed to organizing events by providing the venue for the exhibition, conference or event within the authorized date of the exhibition, equipping it with lighting, electricity, internet service, necessary decorations and arranging kiosks/boothes and sections for exhibiting companies or participating merchants in the exhibition.

- Glam & Elegant is committed to media coverage of the days of the exhibition, conference or event by influential media and content creators in the UAE participating in the exhibition, as well as to photograph all the boothes of participating companies and dealers, their products and services and publish them on glam & elegant's social media (Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok) during the days of the exhibition, conference or event. Mentioned above

- Glam & Elegant events is committed to delivering the booth equipped with furniture from shelves or hangers as requested by the company or the rental dealer with One Table, 2 chairs and only one mirror.those wishing for custom suites or additional furnishings must declare in advance before booking.

- Glam & Elegant company determines the influencers and media professionals who cover the events and boothes of the exhibition, Glam and Elegant also determines which media professionals and influencers cover which boothes, the date and time of coverage so that all participating merchants, traders and exhibitors receive fair coverage from some, but not all, of the influencers and media professionals participating in the coverage.

- When booking an Event, Conference or exhibition, companies and dealers are obliged to send the following supporting documents:
I- valid commercial licenses
II- Proof of identity of the owners and employees of each exhibiting company or authorized by them to work on the days of the exhibition, provided that their number does not exceed 2 employees in the pavilion or reserved section. And so, by e-mail: before the booking date.

If the exhibitor has a general commercial license and not a "creative - merchant Abu Dhabi" license, then he must obtain a permit through the Tamm portal, but merchants and traders who do not have a commercial license at all, can authorize through the exhibition license for an additional fee paid to the competent authorities and equal to approximately AED 200.

- All participating companies and dealers are committed to the security and safety regulations of the exhibition or event site, and follow the security and safety procedures of the venue, hotel or halls dedicated to the exhibition or event, while maintaining the use of public facilities of the leased space and following precautionary measures when unloading the products and goods displayed, according to the dates specified by the company, before the opening date of the event, exhibition or conference and also at the closing date and the end of the event, exhibition or conference.

- Participating companies and merchants bear full responsibility for the loss, loss or damage of their personal items (mobiles, accessories, gold, coins, personal bags, personal documents, bank cards ........) Within the time period of the Event, Conference or exhibition.
- The participating companies and dealers are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the leased Pavilion from malfunction or damage caused by misuse.

Booking policy
Participating companies and merchants are obliged to pay the full amount due to the reservation by bank transfer to the account with the following details on the date of booking:
Account number: AE780500000000019211554
Swift number: ABDIAEADXXX
Bank name: Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

Cancellation policy
In case the companies are exposed to unforeseen and emergency circumstances / or the merchants participating in the event, exhibition or conference, the companies and merchants are obliged to inform glam & Elegant 21 days before the date of the event or exhibition to cancel the reservation, by sending an e-mail to the following address:, explaining the reasons and circumstances for cancellation, kindly attache the bank account details of the participating company or merchant to refund the amount.

Force majeure
Before the date of the exhibition, event or conference in the event of - God forbid - any force majeure circumstances, for example (natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, epidemics), officially announced in the United Arab Emirates. Glam & Elegant sends cancellation letters to all exhibiting companies or participating merchants on their e-mail with cancellation details and refunds for the amounts paid.