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Old Abu Dhabi market: Memory of the capital, back to the values of good old days.

Glam and Elegant Team

The old markets of Abu Dhabi are filled with the scent of history and its tales. In addition to its economic aspect and the movement of buying and selling impact, it was a fundamental destination for the exchange of cultures and the interaction of civilizations, and a platform for news and poets among the Emirati people, and a meeting point for social interaction within a complete community experience.


The old central market still resides in the imagination of those who lived through its beginnings since 1968 in Abu Dhabi. This market has played a social, humanitarian, and economic role, in addition to providing what the residents need. It formed a platform for sustainable human relationships, based on trust, to become part of the collective memory to narrate stories that dwell in the hearts.


This market stands witness to distinctive moments in people\'s lives, as it is described as a cultural platform and a source of joy, especially during Ramadan, holidays, and happy occasions. It truly becomes a permanent and comprehensive commercial, cultural, and social exhibition.

This magnificent traditional market was designed by the Egyptian designer Abdul Rahman Mukhlouf and was opened in 1968, becoming one of the most popular markets in Abu Dhabi. The market still retains its popularity, it was closed in 2005 for restoration, then reopened in 2013. With the updates it underwent, it still carries the nostalgia of the past among its corners.


Trust and love

The old market was associated with people\'s lives, built on trust and love, and the sustainability of relationships. The goals of the sellers at that time were to make customers happy, and the relationships were built on trust. Transactions were based on respecting the other\'s ownership and verbal agreements without contracts or guarantees, relying on the reputation of the shopper and their loyalty to their commitment. This market was a destination for various nationalities, and there was no distinction between their visitors or distinguishing them by race, religion, or color. 

The old market was immersed in sellers who called out to customers amid beautiful interactive relationships, so the seller personally connected with their customers and provided them with unique goods not available elsewhere like premium fabrics and rare gold items.


Today, in an era where everything has become digital and automatic, lacking direct human interaction, buying and selling operations are done through social media platforms, there is a clear change in our personalities and societal values. This highlights the importance of local trade exhibitions in bringing warmth back to our business relationships, reviving the cultural and humanitarian aspect of trade, and emphasizing the importance of communication between people and benefiting from the experiences of others. 

This is the message of Glam & Elegant and its role in spreading the spirit of communication and closeness through diverse exhibitions that reflect our authenticity and values, creating unforgettable moments in our consciences just like the old Abu Dhabi market.


Glam & Elegant Team